California Safe Routes to School State Network
California is one of seven jurisdictions participating in the Safe Routes to School state network project (network project), funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
California has been a network state since 2007. The network project's
goal is to advance state-level policy reform, resulting in the award and
obligation of federal transportation funds, street-scale improvements
and joint-use agreements.
The California network's action plan can be viewed here. You can follow activities of the California Safe Routes to School state network in our blog section and on the state-specific website; this site features meeting announcements and local success stories.
California Safe Routes to School Regional Networks
California has two regional network projects, in the Bay area and in
Southern California. These projects have been provided funding by Kaiser Permanente
with a goal to leverage additional resources for walking and bicycling
initiatives through regional and local policies and plans such as
Regional Transportation Plans. More information on the regional network
project can be found here.
You can follow activities of the regional networks in our blog section and on the California state website,
which features sections for the Bay area and Southern California
regions where you can find their regional action plans, meeting
announcements and local success stories.
Quick Links 
Safe Routes to School Funding in California | Other Statewide and Regional Programs | Success Stories | California Partner Affiliates | Existing Legislation and Policies